Compact Tractors in Lancashire

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The right tool for your job might be compact tractors in Lancashire such as we sell at Redblade Mowers. If you’ve been struggling along with an inadequate mower for your property size, moving hay, soil, debris and more with a pull cart, and depending on a walk behind snow blower to clear your driveway and walkways it’s likely you are frustrated. Without the right tools for the job every job is more work, takes longer and may be less than well done. Maybe you’ve looked at buying a used tractor to help you with some of the work but your property size and tasks just don’t warrant such a large machine. A full-size tractor may not be manoeuvrable enough for your property and usual tasks. Have you considered a compact tractor?

We stock the Solis 20 compact tractor which is a step up from your riding mower. In Lancashire, compact tractors like the 4-wheel drive Solis 20 is perfect for cutting large properties, working the soil to prepare for planting. We also have the Solis 26 which has a 3 cylinder diesel engine and a comfortable design. It’s agile, fuel efficient and versatile enough to work with a  full range of attachments including a front loader, tillers, flail mowers, snow plough, and more. It’s terrific for small farmers, landscapers or equestrian facilities; anywhere you need extra power these compact tractors can be relied on. Select from your choice of tyres and attachments; all easy to operate.

Financing is available for our compact tractors so don’t have to put off the work while you wait to purchase the right equipment for the job. Don’t be fooled by their size; these little machines are powerful for finish mowers, landscaping, gardening, snow clearing, hauling and animal management. Attachments are quick and easy to manage. Contact Redblade Mowers and chat to us about our compact tractors. Tell us the kinds of work you need to accomplish and our staff will help you choose the right compact tractor and attachments. Maintaining your smallholding becomes the pleasure you expected it to be when you have the right equipment for the job. We service what we sell in our own on-site repair and maintenance shop.