Garden maintenance blunders to avoid this winter

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Looking after your garden is an all-year-round responsibility, but it is important to remember that different gardening jobs need to be completed at different times of the year. In addition, it is also worth finding out what mistakes to avoid and what jobs you should leave.

But what are the most frequent maintenance blunders to avoid in your garden this winter?

Don’t leave container plants outside unprotected

A big mistake to avoid this winter is leaving container plants outside without protection, because this will leave them vulnerable to freezing. But what should you do to keep them safe? A good tip is to move containers close to the house foundations or covering them with suitable material. You could also move them inside your home or into a garage, which should help keep them warm and in good condition until spring.

Don’t fertilise or trim shrubs

Another mistake to avoid when looking after your garden this winter is trimming shrubs. This can lead to premature growth and can damage the plant itself. Although it might be tempting to give your shrubs a good tidy up, try to resist the urge. For the same reasons, it is also best to avoid adding fertiliser to the soil over the colder months.

Don’t let weeds take over flowerbeds

Garden maintenance over winter is just as important as in spring or summer. A major mistake to avoid is letting weeds take root and take over flowerbeds. While this may not look like a problem if the flowers have died off anyway, the weeds will be tough to get rid of in spring if they take firm hold now.

Make winter garden maintenance easy with Redblade Mowers

If you manage to avoid the above mistakes when looking after your garden this winter, it should be in fine fettle come next year. Of course, it is also key to have the right tools for garden maintenance jobs at this time of year. At Redblade Mowers in West Lancashire, our sales and repair departments are all under one roof and make it simple to pick up the right tool for the right job. Order online today or get in touch on 01704 821 338 for more help.