In video: a Wichita public information film on why children shouldn’t be seen on sit-on mowers
Image by Air Images (via Shutterstock).
Sit-on mowers have revolutionised the way we mow our lawns. For some people, the tractors seem like an object of fun but they are not toys. In reality, they are dangerous in the wrong hands. This has inspired a public information film in Wichita.
The campaign slogan, “Thou Shalt Not…Allow a child to ride with you on a riding mower. Mow Better…Mow Safely!” is self explanatory. Nobody should ride pillion on a sit-on mower behind the driver. You can risk cutting your arms and legs from the blades. At worst, it can cost your life.
Courtesy of KWCH 24, here’s the video. If you have children or grandchildren, please share this post.