The step-up from ride-on mowers or push-mowers to compact tractors can seem daunting. But although it can seem like a pricey move, it can save you time, hassle and money. Here’s why:
A ride-on lawnmower just isn’t enough
If you’ve got a lawn or paddock – or just grass areas in general that need mowing – that adds up to anything approaching an acre, a ride-on mower might simply not cut it (if you’ll pardon the pun!).
If that’s the case, then you should look into upgrading to a compact tractor, and cut that mowing time right down.
It’s about more than just mowing lawns
While a ride-on mower will most certainly help you with grass-cutting duties, a compact tractor can help you achieve so much more, with a range of attachments, including trailers, front loaders, buckets and backhoe diggers.
No need to bring in expensive hire plant or pricey contractors when you’ve got a Solis compact tractor and a range of attachments…
That hay won’t shift itself
For smallholders and other agricultural businesses, a lot of the work you need to do is basic lugging of material from one place to another, be it earth, hay, feed or grass cuttings.
And rather than the faff of hooking up a trailer to your car, or loading up the bed of a pick-up (or worse still having to hire something in), simply attaching a trailer to your Solis compact tractor can make for a handy and practical way to haul stuff around your land.
A hobby becomes a business
If you’ve been lovingly caring for your grounds for years – or you always fancied taking up landscape maintenance or groundskeeping – you may well find that you need more than a simple ride-on mower to keep up with client demands as your business grows.
The Solis Tractors we sell at Redblade Mowers can even be road-registered, so local jobs might not even mean you need to lug your Solis around in the back of a trailer bed!
And whatever your reason for wanting to upgrade to a Solis compact tractor, Redblade Mowers can help – we’re proud to be the best dealer in Lancashire for Solis products.